Friday Funny - The Missing, er, Cucumber

When I was in high school, I used to volunteer as an AIDS Peer Educator at the 92nd Street Y in New York. We were a group of teenagers, under the supervision of a doctor and a theater instructor, who would travel around to schools and community centers to teach other kids about safe sex and HIV transmission using games and improv techniques. 

Part of our program included demonstrating the proper way to put on a condom, and to do this, we used a prop - a fairly sizable (i.e. generally misleading) plastic cucumber. This lead to a good number of jokes on its own -- "Gentlemen, if this is what it looks like inside your pants, get to the doctor now."

So... one evening, we were at a presentation, and it was my night to do the condom demo. I reached into the prop bag below my chair, and lo and behold, no plastic cucumber. 

"Okay, people," I called out, feigning exasperation, "where's my penis? Did someone forget my penis?" 

Think about what it would be like to be in a roomful of teenagers talking about genitalia, and you can imagine the reaction to that. 

And fortunately, the "penis" was in another bag. So we all lived happily ever after. 

- Holly Leber, Editorial Director


Have a funny or embarrassing story from a volunteering experience? Submit it for our Friday Funny! Email with the subject heading "Friday Funny." Looking forward to laughing with you!