Gifts That Sparkle

For the friend who loves all things bling. 

1. In partnership with and Feed the ChildrenMe to We sells gifts with a #givegood spirit. The purchase of a holiday rafiki (Swahili for friend, and yes, the name of the mandrill in "The Lion King") donates 100 liters of clean water to a child in Africa.

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2. Liberty United gets illegal guns and ammo from police to create beautiful pieces of jewelry. Every gun they transform is one less gun that could be on the streets. Plus it gives the person wearing the piece a great story to tell.

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3. This is My Brave helps keep the discussion of mental illness alive and helps those suffering from mental illnesses tell their stories. They offer brave beads, which act like worry beads, which can help someone focus when they’re feeling anxious. Every bracelet has a charm with a “B” on it to remind them they are brave.

4. Do you know someone who is always late? WeWOOD uses mostly scrap and leftover wood, to create beautiful watches. For every watch sold they will plant a tree to help reforestation in forests around the world.


5. Alex and Ani have a large selection of bracelets that support a wide variety of charities. Know someone passionate about breast cancer or Alzheimer's research? Check out the Charity by Design collection.

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About the Author: Ashley Angeline completed an internship with the Daily Do Good in Fall, 2015. A student at the University of Cincinnati, Ashley aspires to be a broadcast journalist. And to marry Prince Harry.