Hey there, all you sexy, sexy fellas...

... do some good and read a book. It's for a worthy cause. 

Here's the skinny: First Book is a swell organization that provides books to children in need. Hot Dudes Reading is an Instagram account dedicated to -- you guessed it -- photos of hot dudes reading. 

So... put your hands together... (as in combine the ideas, not as in the way an annoying master of ceremonies tells one to applaud, though this is an applause-worthy idea)


It's super-easy. First, you spot a hot dude reading. Like so. 

Gentlemen, this is your cue to get out there with your sexy selves and read. Books. Actual books. Made from paper. Not Kindles, e-readers, i-Devices, what-have-you. We good? Cool. 

Okay, observers of beautiful men, this part's all you: Snap a photo of the hot dude who is reading. If he is actually into his book and not just trying to look all sensitive and intellectual, he won't notice, and you won't have to worry about looking like a creeper*. Excellent. 

Next, post the photo of the hot dude reading to Instagram/Twitter. Like so.

Support great American literature.

Support great American literature.

Use the hashtag #hotdudesreadingforacause. Be sure to tag @FirstBook, @HotDudesReading and, of course, @TheDailyDoGood. Then add this link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hot-dudes-reading-for-a-cause and ask your friends/followers/pervy Internet stalkers to make a donation to First Book. 

And as our friends across the pond might say, Bob's your uncle. Which, incidentally, happens to be true in my case. My mother's brother is indeed named Bob. 


*In the event that you are spotted, politely explaining that you are supporting a worthy cause is not only a good way to spread the word about First Book's campaign, it's also potentially a really good pickup line. Just sayin'.

About the author: Holly Leber is the editorial director at The Daily Do Good. The #hotdudereadingforacause pictured above belongs to her, so hands off, ladies!