Going to the dogs
Lucky Dog Animal Rescue is not a shelter. It's a rescue dedicated to saving at-risk animals from high-kill shelters or owners who can no longer care for them. Lucky Dog relies on foster guardians to take in rescued animals until they can be placed with permanent owners.
"Lucky Dog" is a bit of a misnomer. It's not luck that rescues animals in need. It's dedicated staff members and volunteers. Volunteers are vital to the operation. Lucky Dog depends on good-hearted people like you to give their time with everything from animal transport to coordinating adoptions. There's even Lucky Kids Club, designed to involve young people in the volunteering and advocacy process.
Have you seen the hashtag #adoptdontshop on social media? It doesn't refer to taking in children in lieu of buying some new jeans at the Gap. It's an encouragement to acquire pets at shelters rather than pet stores, to give homes to abandoned animals and fight puppy mills. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue has saved more than 8,000 animals and paired them with caring families. Read some of the success stories.