Rape Prevention is up to all of us
MCSR strives to change presumptions about masculinity and to help men become advocates and activists against a culture that is permissive of violence against women. Through the Men of Strength (MOST) Club, young men learn about healthy models of manhood and becoming allies of women. The Where Do You Stand campaign promotes bystander intervention strategies, while special trainings and workshops around the District and nationwide provide men with information and tactics they can pass along to their peers, or to strangers. The onus for preventing rape and sexual assault often falls on women, but the minds behind Men Can Stop Rape believe males are equally responsible for putting an end to sexual violence. MCSR helps boys and young men learn how to speak up effectively when they see mistreatment, and to challenge the accepted notions of masculinity, so men can be seen as potential allies, rather than potential perpetrators. By incorporating active youth training services, MCSR is helping to create a generation of young men who can grow up respecting women and seeing them as equals. Become an ally or learn how to bring a Men Can Stop Rape training session to your organization, youth group or classroom. Men: What can you do to be an active ally in the fight against rape and sexual assault?