We all want a do-over in life, but these women get a real chance thanks to Friends of Guest House. With a mission to help Northern Virginia women successfully reenter the community from incarceration, this week's DDG featured org is committed to providing them the tools they need to start a new life. Since 1974, they have addressed housing, jobs, and healthcare while finding the root causes for crime. As a result, graduates of this organization break their cycle of crime and are less likely to re-offend. Friends of Guest House is always looking for volunteers to act as role models and to help assist their clients.
When Betty McConkey, founder of Friends of Guest House, was released from prison, she realized the insufficiency of services to people like her and did something about it. There are numerous ways for you to help this week's DDG featured org - volunteering, events, jobs and housing, and fulfilling items on their wish list. The more help they receive, the easier it will be for these women to transition from incarceration back into our communities. Friends of Guest House recently started expanding in June and needs your help to serve more women. "Meet" the clients of Friends of Guest House, volunteers and supporters, and more, here.