The Literacy Lab was founded by two teachers, Tom Dillon and Ashley Johnson, after Ms. Johnson noticed a number of the high school students in the DC public school where she taught were struggling to read. The organization was founded on the belief that literacy and the ability to read are human rights. Therefore, the goal of this week's DDG featured org is to help close the literacy gap by placing full-time, trained tutors in elementary schools and early childhood centers, as opposed to limiting the work to after-school programs. Literacy Lab is a part of Reading Corps.
A 2010 study by the Annie E. Casey Foundation revealed that students who are not reading at grade level by the end of third grade are four times less likely to graduate high school than their more proficient peers. This week's DDG featured org, the Literacy Lab, is dedicated to making sure as many students as possible receive diplomas by working consistently with students from pre-K through grade 3, including daily one-on-one interactions during the school day. More than 88 percent of school partners report that the Literacy Lab has a positive impact on students. Working as a Literacy Lab tutor is a full-time, one-year commitment, but you can help make a lifetime of difference to children. To learn more and apply, click here.